Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday, 23rd June, 2024, 12:30pm

Communism as a general relation is a more realistic goal than a free Palestine, which is not to say communism is also not impossible. Instances of nationalist liberation, as some sort of speculative autonomous particularity, are feasible only where the reserves of the country’s national capital exceed its tendency towards the condition of cliency. Where a nation’s capital reserves exceed its debts, it may then dictate terms to the global market. By definition, nations seeking liberation, do not have these reserves. Nowadays, a  country only becomes independent where it is financed by the United Nations with the money channeled through ‘a raft’ of NGO (intelligence agencies) administered all-strings attached money laundering programmes designed to promote their strategically cultivated client bourgeois faction, or array of rival factions at the same time. In other words, the event of national liberation is realisable only as a horizon for a differently ordered (discreet and indirect) long term condition of dependency and cliency. National liberationism is realised as the most dependent and colonised mode of political consciousness - everyone knows this, but for reasons of cynical exploitation the resultant and perpetual experience of disenchantment at the limits of nationalism never corrects the structure of its fantasy. And it is for reason of this cynical exploitation that the only appropriate response to all current wars, the wish for it to end immediately, is deflected and downplayed - it is in the interest of too many wealth creators for it to continue indefinitely. The dominant response of western activism to the Palestine war is a call for victory (i.e. for continuation and expansion of the destruction). American led leftist activism is now inseparable from its desensitising conditioning by selective (that is, capricious and expedient) apologetics for continued violence (apeing what it imagines is the necessary level of callousness to be taken seriously) - as a consequence it has abandoned all conception of emancipation. The key diagnostic symptom of the sickness of fascism is celebration of the mobilisation for war, but to propagandise for a war in which one is not participating indicates the pathology of a sort of naive depravity, a fascism by proxy. 

Sunday, 23rd June, 2024, 12:30pm

Communism as a general relation is a more realistic goal than a free Palestine, which is not to say communism is also not impossible. Instan...